

You finally found a place that can equip you…

·      To stop watching porn!

·      To control sex instead of being controlled by sex!

·      To bring your sexual gift under the authority of Christ!


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·       You’re a Christian man.

·       You love God and want to serve God.

·       But you’ve struggled… and struggled… with sexual sin.

·       You look at Internet porn over and over again.

·       You’ve made promises to God that you’ll never do it again.

·       Despite these promises… you act out over and over again.

·       When you act out you violate your own conscience.

·       You’ve failed so many times you’ve essentially given up.

·       You’re afraid to tell anybody else the truth about your struggle.

·       You’d give almost anything to CONTROL SEX instead of being CONTROLLED BY SEX.




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Would you like to hear the amazing story of one man’s journey from sexual sin and brokenness to sexual healing and freedom?

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Tony Ingrassia struggled with his sexual gift for many years until it almost destroyed his life.  Although he became a believer in Christ at the age of 16, for many years thereafter Tony was simply powerless to resist sexual temptation.  He acted out over and over again in many ways, including pornography, masturbation, fornication, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs.  When Tony acted out in these ways, he did so in violation of his very own conscience, but for some reason was unable to stop these behaviors, and he often wondered what was wrong with him.  After becoming involved in an affair with his best friend’s wife, Tony finally hit rock bottom, and began the healing journey that enabled him to eventually understand and overcome his struggle with sex.  Today Tony is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and now helps other men who are struggling with issues of sexual compulsion and addiction to find healing and freedom. He does this through his counseling, books, podcast, and the life changing program he’s developed – The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop.  With this intensive Tony shows men… step by step… how they too can find the hope, freedom, and healing that they’ve been longing for. You can hear Tony’s story just below!

This video is Session 2 of The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop.

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The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop will help you to discover how you can control sex, instead of being controlled by sex! Through this intensive Tony will teach you what took him about 30 years to figure out about sexual purity. The concepts and strategies in this intensive are not theoretical in nature, and they were hammered out on the anvil of Tony’s own heart and life through his struggle with sexual brokenness. This intensive will put at your fingertips the practical information and help that will finally enable you to honor God with the expression of your sexual gift!

The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop is 100% PRIVATE and ANONYMOUS!

·       You can attend the Intensive live and in person… when it’s offered.

·       You can purchase the Intensive video series and attend at your own pace in the privacy of your own home.

Enter your email address to receive Session 15 of the intensive for FREE…

“Managing Triggers”

Download Your Free Video Here

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